Make your new year resolution and ensure that it is effective all year round! It is so easy to make new year resolutions about what you want to change (or do more/less of), but most of us hold on to those for about 2 months, then revert to our old selves/actions. We get complacent in our old behavior and the change becomes an inconvenience rather than an effort to improve/develop ourselves.
Whatever the change is… losing weight (check out this Keto diet), being nicer, making more money (Mr. Kiyosaki teaches it), being more sociable, loving and being loved, being more charitable, eating healthier (click here for paleodiet), whatever the change is… Work diligently towards it and make 2018 a different year for you. Be your own change agent! Remember nothing good comes easily, you’ve got to put effort into it so that you can reap the benefits. Even a wish cannot be fulfilled easily; it may be granted easily, but someone has to work hard to ensure that the wish is granted.
What are the things that you really want to change? Make sure these are tangible, measurable and actionable. They don’t have to be big-ticket items; start small, complete each action, and then gradually increase your goals. Don’t just complete a goal, mark it completed and never revisit… Plan on periodically revisiting and reassessing your completed goals/actions (read my blog on planning for 2018). Do this so that you can determine whether your change is still effective or needs improvement. Make one or two of your ongoing actions to revisit/reassess your completed tasks, that way you will continue to hold yourself accountable and track your progress on that change.
A lot of us think that we cannot hold on to (and fulfil) our new year resolutions- all year long- but that is because, on the first day of the year (01/01/18) our resolution is a wish; and wishes (almost always) do not become viable until enacted upon and assessed regularly, for progress.
So, go ahead, make your new year resolution/wish, develop a plan to fulfill it, assess your progress periodically and then incrementally improve on your change. That is how to become your own change agent! Make the changes you need in 2018 and BE YOUR OWN CHANGE AGENT!