Be your Change Agent in 2018. Make your new year resolution and ensure that it is effective all year round.
I am sharing well-wishes from my Yoruba culture, during this special season.
15 more days to 2018. Let’s wrap up 2017 and get ready for 2018!
REFLECT! REACT! RECONCILE! It’s the first day, of the last month, of this year!… Can you believe it! They say…
Life is a Rose. You get out of it, what you put into it. Treat it with love and you will enjoy its benefits. Treat it callously and you will experience the wrath of its thorns! Love life always!
What a wonderful world we live in. Mr. Armstrong explains it perfectly in his 1967 song. Listen and appreciate.
This thanksgiving, be thankful for little things
Be thankful for your family. Family makes you strong. In whichever way they affect you. Learn to love yours and appreciate whatever values they bring to the table.
Learn to Say No! #LearntosayNo. You don’t always have to do everything you are asked, just to please others. Saying NO…
#learntoloveIT! Life is too short to dwell on the things you don’t like. If you don’t like IT, change IT.…