My Inspirational (sometimes funny) Poems
my 1st attempt at rhyming…… I love it already!
The weekend is upon us,
to take a rest we must;
We’ll decompress from the week,
by hanging out with a drink;
And when Sunday arises,
we’ll take some wise advices;
To better prepare our minds,
for another wondrous Grind.
Poem 2:
I am!…
I am strong, I will survive;
I am humble, I will thrive;
I am loved, I will grow;
I am admired, I will show;
I am kind, I will give;
I am a survivor, I will live!
#iam #affirmation #makeitagr8day
Poem 3:
Eye on the Target
Keep your eye on the target, no matter what…
You will stumble, You will fall;
You will whisper, You will yell;
You will pray, You will swear;
You will procrastinate, You will persevere;
You will laugh , You will cry…
But keep your eye on the target, until you can say it’s yours!
#Eyeonthetarget, #makeitagr8day
Poem 4:
I Have It All
I have vision and l have dreams
I have plans and I have goals
I have foresight and I have intentions
But most of all,
I have the determination to achieve them all.
#poem #makeitagr8day #ihavewhatittakes #icandoit #Goforit